Community-Based Participatory Research in Social Work 
社會科學院  社會工作學研究所  
330 M2540 
Ceiba 課程網頁

Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and other forms of community-engaged research(CEnR), such as Participatory Action Research, Collaborative Inquiry, and Practice-Based Research Networks, have received growing attention in fields like public health, community development, urban planning, education, social work, nursing, sociology, anthropology, and others over the past several decades. Increasingly, academic-community partnerships are at the forefront of improving health for vulnerable populations.

As defined by the Kellogg Foundation, CBPR is a "collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change to improve community health and eliminate health disparities.” it is an overall orientation to research, which fundamentally changes the relationship between researchers and researched. With roots in popular education in Third World nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa, and in other traditions of action and participatory action research, it has been applied in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere in a range of disciplines and settings. (備註:本課程含部份英文授課。) 

The goal of this course is to provide participants with an understanding of theories, principles and strategies of CBPR and CEnR, an appreciation of advantages and limitations of these approaches, and skills necessary for participating effectively in CBPR projects. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify, list, describe and/or gain:

1. The key scientific and ethical rationale, findings and guidelines of community-engaged research;
2. Significant theoretical and historical perspectives that have shaped the development and
evolution of CBPR and other participatory traditions and describe the contributions of each;
3. The major principles of CBPR and illustrate their relevance with case studies;
4. Ethics, politics, race, gender and class dimensions of CBPR;
5. Gain skills in self-reflection through mindfulness and other techniques;
6. Similarities and differences between CBPR and other forms of CEnR;
7. Steps in the development of a CBPR project;
8. Advantages and limitations of CBPR as a method for approaching study and action to address public health, social work, social problems and health disparities.  
1. 課程參與 (25% of grade): Participation and co-learning are important concepts in CBPR, thus it is necessary that you attend and actively participate in class. If you cannot attend a class session due to extenuating circumstances, you must communicate with me prior to the missed session. Here are some required activities for class participation: (1) to facilitate two reading discussion sections (導讀兩週指定閱讀); (2) to read and reflect on all of the assigned articles prior to class (閱讀和反思每週的指定閱讀); and (3) to bring at least one questions relevant to the required readings to each class for discussion (準備至少一個與當週指定閱讀相關的提問).

2. 案例分析與討論 (25% of grade): Identify a published article (especially case study) of a community based participatory research effort designed to address social issues. Select an article published between 2005 and 2017. Critique components should include: 1) a summary of the article, including the application of using CBPR in the research project; 2) an assessment of whether the project described is “true” CBPR using CBPR principles that you have learned from class; 3) a discussion of what would you do to improve the project to meet CBPR principles? You are required to present your critique in class and offer questions relevant to your critiques to facilitate in-class discussion. 案例分析與討論分別於第十二、第十三、第十四週進行。

3. 期末作業 (35% of grade): Using the CBPR principles develops a 4-6 page (not including references) preliminary proposal that addresses a community problem (or problems) pertaining to Taiwan. 截止日期:期末報告繳交日期1/11 晚上9點(備註:1. 期末作業可以採個人或小組進行,但小組人數不超過2人。2. 作業格式:標楷體或新細明體,12號字體、單行間距)。

4. 期末口頭報告 (15% of grade): Presenting final paper in class. 期末口頭報告於第十六、十七週課堂舉行 (備註:期末口頭報告不超過30分鐘,15-20口頭報告期末作業,10-15分鐘開放討論)。
Office Hours
每週一 13:00~14:00 
Minkler, M., & Wallerstein, N. (2008). Community-based participatory research for health: from process to outcomes (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
課程參與 Active course participation 
Participation and co-learning are important concepts in CBPR, thus it is necessary that you attend and actively participate in class. If you cannot attend a class session due to extenuating circumstances, you must communicate with me prior to the missed session. Here are some required activities for class participation: (1) to facilitate two reading discussion sections (導讀兩週指定閱讀); (2) to read and reflect on all of the assigned articles prior to class (閱讀和反思每週的指定閱讀); and (3) to bring at least one question relevant to the required readings to each class for discussion (準備至少一個與當週指定閱讀相關的提問). 
案例分析與討論 Case Study Critiques 
Identify a published article of a community based participatory research effort designed to address social issues. Select an article published between 2005 and 2017. Critique components should include: 1) a summary of the article, including the application of using CBPR in the research project; 2) an assessment of whether the project described is “true” CBPR using CBPR principles that you have learned from class; 3) a discussion of what would you do to improve the project to meet CBPR principles? You are required to present your critique in class and offer questions relevant to your critiques to facilitate in-class discussion.  
期末作業 Final paper 
Using the CBPR principles develops a 4-6 page (not including references) preliminary proposal that addresses a community problem (or problems) pertaining to Taiwan. 截止日期:期末報告繳交日期1/11 晚上9點(備註:1. 期末作業可以採個人或小組進行,但小組人數不超過2人。2. 作業格式:標楷體或新細明體,12號字體、單行間距)。 
期末口頭報告 Final presentation 
Presenting final paper in class. 期末口頭報告於第十六、十七週課堂舉行 (備註:期末口頭報告不超過30分鐘,15-20口頭報告期末作業,10-15分鐘開放討論)。 
9/14  第一週:Course introduction
• 說明:課程介紹、討論「Community社區」、「Participatory參與」、「Research研究」之定義

• 指定閱讀:
9/21  主題: What is CBPR?

• 說明:簡介CBPR(以社區為導向之參與式研究方法) ,並討論為何研究需要採用CBPR。

• 指定閱讀:
1. Chapter 1: Minkler M, Wallerstein N. Introduction to community based participatory research. In: Minkler M, Wallerstein N (eds). Community Based Participatory Research for Health (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008, pp. 5–23.(**)
2. Cornwall,A., & Jewkes,R.(1995). What is participatory research? Soc Sci Med,41(12),1667-1676 (*)
3. 葉莉莉 。(2010)。參與式行動研究法及其應用。新臺北護理期刊12(2) 。(**)

• 延伸閱讀:
1. Trickett EJ, Beehler S, Deutsch C, Green LW, Hawe P, McLeroy K, Miller RL, Rapkin BD, Schensul JJ, Schulz AJ, Trimble JE. Advancing the science of community-level interventions. Am J Public Health. 2011;101(8):1410-9.
9/28  主題: Theoretical Frameworks of CBPR

• 說明:本週課程將討論CBPR(以社區為導向之參與式研究)之理論基礎。

• 指定閱讀:
1.Chapter 2: Wallerstein, N and Duran, B. (*)
2.Fals-Borda, O. Participatory (Action) Research in Social Theory: Origins and Challenges. In
Reason, R & Bradbury, H (Eds), Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and
Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Pub; 2001: 27-37.

10/05  主題:Principles of CBPR and Examples of CBPR

• 說明:本週課程將討論CBPR原則及要素,並藉由實例探討CBPR之

• 指定閱讀:
1. Israel, B, Schulz , A, Parker , E, Becker , B., Allen,
A.,& Guzman, R.(2008). Critical Issues In Developing
And Following CBPR Principles. In M. Minkler & N.
Wallerstein (Eds.), Commuunity Based Participatory
Research For Health (Vol. 2): Wiley

2. 案例 (*):

案例一 、Ornelas IJ, Amell J, Tran AN, Royster M, Armstrong-Brown J,Eng E. Understanding African American men's perceptions of racism, male gender socialization, and social capital through photovoice. Qual Health Res. 2009;19(4):552-65.

案例二、Mooney-Somers, J., & Maher, L. (2009). The Indigenous Resiliency Project: a worked example of community-based participatory research. New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 20(8), 112-118.

10/12  主題:Building and Maintaining Partnerships

• 說明:本週課程將聚焦於探討如何和社區建立並維持研究上的夥伴及合作關係。

• 指定閱讀:
1. Duran, B., Wallerstein, N., Avila, M., Belone, L., et al. (2013). Developing and maintaining partnerships with communities. In B. Israel (Ed.), Methods for community-based participatory research for health (2nd ed., pp. 43). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (*)

2. Minkler, M. & Hancock, T. (2008) Community-driven asset identification and issue selection. In M. Minkler & N. Wallerstein (2nd Eds.), Community based participatory research in health(pp. 153-169). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

• 導讀一
10/19  主題:Addressing Issues of Race, Class and Gender

• 說明:本週課程將探討在族群、階級與性別之多種社會權力交織下,如何讓參與式研究更具包容性(inclusive),避免社會排除。

• 指定閱讀:
1. Chavez, V., Duran, B., Baker, Q. E., Avila, M. M., & Wallerstein, N.(2008). The dance of race and privilege in CBPR. Community-based participatory research for health: From process to outcomes, 91-105. (*)

2. Jones, A., with Jenkins, K. Rethinking collaboration: Working the Indigene-Colonizer Hyphen, Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, Denzin, Lincoln, Smith (eds), SAGE, 2008, 471-86.

3. McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack.Peach and Freedom, July/August, 10-12.

• 導讀二
10/26  主題:Role(s) of the Community and the "Outside" Researcher

• 說明:本週課程將討論在參與式研究中insider和outsider的角色與反思。

• 指定閱讀:
1. Diversi, M., & Finley, S. (2010). Poverty Pimps in the Academy: A Dialogue About Subjectivity, Reflexivity, and Power in Decolonizing Production of Knowledge. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 10(1), 14-7.

2. Muhammad, M., Wallerstein, N., Sussman, A. L., Avila, M., Belone, L., & Duran, B. (2014). Reflections on Researcher Identity and Power: The Impact of Positionality on Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Processes and Outcomes. Critical Sociology.(*)

• 導讀三
11/02  主題:University and Community Partnerships

• 說明:本週將以學校和社區的合作夥伴關係為主軸,探討CBPR潛在的困難與可能的因應方法。

• 指定閱讀:
1. Resnik, D. B., & Kennedy, C. E. (2010). Balancing Scientific and Community Interests in Community-Based Participatory Research. Accountability in Research, 17(4), 198–210.(*)

2. Stoecker, R. (1997). Are academics irrelevant? Roles for scholars in participatory research. American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 840-854.

• 延伸閱讀:
1. Delgado-Gaitan, C. (1993). Researching change and changing the researcher. Harvard Educational Review, 63, 389-411.

2. Felt, L.F., Rowe, P.M., & Curlew, K. (2004, September). Teaching academic dogs and cats new tricks: ‘Re-tooling’ senior academic researchers for collaborative community-based research. Paper presented at the Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, Sheffield, England. Retrieved from http://www.envision.ca/pdf/cura/DogsCats.pdf.

• 導讀四

11/09  主題:Sharing Roles: Collaborative CBPR Methods from Study Design, Data Collection, and Data Analysis with Communities

1. Gonzalez J, Trickett EJ. Collaborative Measurement Development as a Tool in CBPR: Measurement Development and Adaptation within the Cultures of Communities.

11/16  主題:Measurement of Partnership Processes and outcomes in CBPR


1. Oetzel JG, Zhou C, Duran B, Pearson C, Magarati M, Lucero J, Wallerstein N, Villegas M. Establishing the Psychometric Properties of Constructs in a Com (...) 
11/23  主題:Research Ethics in CBPR



1. Flicker, S., Travers, R., Guta, A., McDonald, Sean, & Meagher, A. (2007). Ethical Dilemmas in Community-Based Participatory Research: Recommendations for Institutional Review Bo (...) 
11/30  主題:案例評論 一


引導問題:(1). 從影片中你看到哪些角色參與在這個影片的合作計畫中? (2). 角色間的關係如何? (3). 從影片描述中,這個合作計畫中潛在的倫理議題有哪些?

12/07  主題:案例評論 二
12/14  主題:案例評論 三

12/21  主題:案例評論四 
12/28  主題:期末口頭報告 
1/04  主題:期末口頭報告 & 課程回顧 
1/11  主題:完成並繳交期末報告

期末報告繳交日期1/11 晚上9點。